May 23Liked by David B Lauterwasser

Have you tried a yoke to carry water or mud? It helps me a lot but my yoke is quite long so your narrow paths might be a problem. My buckets are bigger so carrying with hands, they are in the way of my legs. With a yoke they dont, and i dont have to grip with my hands. The deep tissue shoulder massage is excellent too. Long ago the veggie farmers here have special watering cans on a yoke and they can water on both sides while walking.

My ponds have giant leeches but less mozzies. They are grown full of grass and i have been weeding them.

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That's an excellent idea, and one that I have never considered before! The narrow paths might be an issue, but with a few detours through more open areas it might actually be worth a try! (Next year, that is, the rains have started already.)

What material is your yoke from, bamboo or wood? I'll have to check out a few pictures, so I have an idea what to work towards.

Giant leeches sound like a bit of a hassle - doesn't their bite hurt quite a lot?

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I took bamboo as thick as my arm and split it half, with the rounded side sitting on my shoulder. The arm which the yoke sits above rests on the yoke while the other arm supports a bucket. The European yoke sits on both shoulders but seems harder to make and I have not tried it.

You do feel the giant leeches when they bite unlike the small leeches. So I just pull them off. It is not really painful luckily.

What fish do you have in the pond? Are they a big part of your diet?

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May 19Liked by David B Lauterwasser

Very well written. Barring massive nuclear weapon events, you and those few with the skills you have developed will be amongst the survivors of the coming contraction of plague phase. (quadrupling in the lifespan of some living members) As I prefer much cooler weather, and I'm nearly 79, If I were half my age I'd choose a sparsely populated area with plenty of forests for firewood and reasonably rich soils. I also would eat fish and small game if plentiful. Meanwhile, I admire your fortitude. Cheers on the Downslope of Western Civilization and the biosphere as human habitat.

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May 20Liked by David B Lauterwasser

I always enjoy my excursions into your world riding along on your eloquence. I agree . . . Being able to go barefoot ias much as possible is a wealth few people enjoy!

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