You’ve probably heard about the Earth Species Project, dedicated to decoding animal communication, using “AI as a Rosetta Stone to translate the languages of other species to - hopefully - expand human consciousness, empathy, and awareness of the other beings we share this planet with.”

I wonder if all this science regarding non-human sentience is simply scientists trying to make the human public to care more about something other than themselves. Although I find the idea of the project interesting I doubt any of these things will make a difference in how people perceive the world.

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The idea is indeed interesting, but I think people have way too much trust in A."I."

To me it seems obvious that there's no shortage of animals that are much smarter than even the most advanced supercomputer. Not when it comes to algebra, obviously, but regarding to problem-solving in unique situations, basic survival and self-preservation, and nonverbal clues and emotions when communicating with others.

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